Wednesday, May 15, 2024

ReUnited UnDiminished (poem)


REMEMBER. All poetry needs to be read OUT LOUD.

ReUnited UnDiminished 

by Laura-Lee Rahn 

When arriving in Heaven a great man I saw,

Without a blemish and without a flaw.

A man of honor and unique in style,

Yet without audacity nor any guile.

I stood and looked on just like a lug,

While he ran to me with a welcoming hug.

He looked at me with a twinkling eye

"Don't you remember?" he asked with some wry.

"When we were both bound to the same lowly earth,

the same place and time we both found New Birth."

My memory leaped like a fire all ablaze

And my mind came alive to those former days

With humbled souls we kneeled at the altar

Yet our lives and hearts many times would still faulter

I grew and became a great man of God,

While the man before me received not a nod.

He quickly fell and I judged him a pervert,

And also quickly declared him, "False Convert!"

Before him now I admitted with shame

I had stooped to call him that horrible name.

"While on earth", he replied, "I was riddled with sin,

As I battled hourly the 'old man' within.

Time after time I did struggle again

But through the Blood of Jesus I overcame.

I knew you looked at me always appalled

And I know all the names I was frequently called.

Though my arrival here came much too early,

I've awaited your coming with blessed assurity.

With joy expecting your grand arrival

 watching you daily cling to your Bible."

On earth I was rich but now I was poor

with head bowed I confessed to him even much more.

"With glee in my heart I consigned you to hell,

But I was the one who actually fell.

I constantly planted about you bad seeds.

I trashed your name whenever I pleased.

The day that you died I truly believed,

You went to hell but I was deceived."

"Now now", he said, "all that is done.

We're united here in God's Kingdom as one.

Brother to Brother we stand undiminished

Our sins were destroyed by His words 'IT IS FINISHED!'

The Blood of Jesus covered it all.

What matters most is we BOTH heard His call."

I felt God's Spirit within me stir

And bowed to say, "Your servant, Sir."

"Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,  and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." 

(Matthew 20:26-28)

"Jesus said, 'It is finished,' With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit"

(John 19:30l